Data Validator

Check if your dataset conforms to the Metapsy data standard

Dataset Upload

On this page, you can upload a dataset to be forwarded to the Metapsy Data Validator. Datasets can either by clicking on the Upload button. Both comma-separated values (.csv) and Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) files can be uploaded. If you are uploading a .csv file, please make sure that the delimiter and decimal mark settings below conform with your dataset.

Alternatively, by clicking on Import "toy" dataset, you can import an example dataset into the app. This dataset is already correctly preformatted and is available for illustrative purposes.

General Information

This application allows to check if meta-analytic data sets conform with the Metapsy data standard. The analysis module of the metapsyTools package provides several functions that allow to run various meta-analytic models conveniently using R; but this requires that the data has been correctly pre-formatted first.

This goal of this application is to mimic functionalities of the preparation module in metapsyTools. Once all validation steps are completed successfully, users can download a correctly formatted dataset with calculated effect sizes which can then by analyzed "out of the box" in R using the analysis module of the package.

Submitted is only saved temporarily and deleted after the session is closed. Nontheless, make sure to never upload data that contains sensitive, personal or de-anonymized information!

Imported Dataset

Scroll down and click on Change columns to edit the data.
You can also change a single cell value by double-clicking on it.
Calculation of effect sizes will only be possible after all formatting issues are resolved.

Change Column Names
Delete column
Add empty column
  Effect size calculation successful
No conflicts were detected during the effect size calculation. Please confirm that the effect sizes were calculated correctly below.


The light blue columns below show the effect sizes calculated for each comparison. Please make sure to check if all the effect sizes have been calculated as intended. See the Metapsy documentation for more details (section "metapsyTools variables").


In this tab, you can download the validated data set with calculated effect sizes. The data can be downloaded in three formats: as an R Data file, Microsoft Excel sheet, or as a .csv file. The default export setting is to download as an R Data (.rda) file. This format is recommended, it is easy to import in R, and less prone to import errors.

To import the .rda file, put it into you working directory and then click on within the file explorer in R Studio. The dataset is then automatically imported into your R environment under the name

Test Dataset

This section allows you to run a test meta-analysis based on the validated data set. In the table below, select rows that you want to have included in the meta-analysis by clicking on them. At least 5 rows need to be selected, and also make sure that the selected rows actually contain effect size data.

After clicking on Run Meta-Analysis, the selected data is fed forward to the runMetaAnalysis function, and the output of the function is displayed below. The version of metapsyTools used by this App is . It is not guaranteed that analyses of the data will also work if your local version of metapsyTools differs substantially.

Click on rows to include them in the meta-analysis.